
  • A Universal Healthcare Blockchain - The most important issue we find ourselves in through now, is that healthcare records are a mess. Each time you visit a different doctor, a different set of records have to be maintained either physical or digital if the company has a public EHR system. What if we could make an immutable health record system where in all your health record from a variety of sources are chained onto each other, in a secure manner. It could be treated akin to a wallet in crypto-currency wherein instead of coins, you have your health records, undersigned by the doctor so tracking him would be easy too. One final extension or application of this idea is the idea of ownership of data, A privacy based data access approach could be implemented which would be used in training AI models. I think such an approach could truly lead towards the democratization of medicine and healthcare for all.

  • A Github for Githubs or similar portfolio based platforms - While github itself is one of the best ideas to open source projects and showcase projects to recruiters, friends and colleagues alike. Github is mostly code based, and other “talent” hosting platforms like dribble have also come up in the past few years. A github for githubs would look like, a common profile where your “portfolio” can be viewed and you can also probably have the ability to showcase or highlight a few projects.

  • Content Authentication - We will soon reach a place where in even training models on deepfakes won’t be enough to detect original from fake, and so this solution might be an answer for that. Check my idea out here.

Questions I have been searching answers to

  • What is the closest we can come to defining a formal definition of abstraction? During my research in abstractive summarization, which is the task of generating a summary given a document/article, It has come to my notice that it is very difficult to evaluate a summary because we have no formal notion of what an abstraction is. or so to say what would an ideal abstract summary look like. The closest i have to come to its definition is in this paper.

  • How would the problem of jaywalking be solved for self-driving cars? Hailing from India,which is currently beginning to scratch the surface of level 3 autonomous cars, one thing I have realized while my daily commute is the problem of jaywalking. Most people in india cross roads, without regards to oncoming traffic, or try to cut short distance if they feel a road is empty. While autonomous cars are becoming more adept at driving and are becoming more popular, how do you even tackle decision-making while you see a pedestrian jaywalk through the road.

  • Understanding World Debt - Global debt has ballooned from 20 trillion dollars to 76 trillion dollars, and you can look at the exact debt here. Some questions I’ve struggled to answer since my discovery of the figure is, Who do we owe the debt to? The global debt keeps increasing and nations keep borrowing more, so isn’t this the same notion of creating credit by taking a loan even though there are no physical funds? Does this diminish the value of fiat currency?

  • The next money - While money originally arose through the barter system as a common medium of exchange where in it actually signified the physical amount of goods you had pegged to some accepted market value. We have since then moved onto the gold and silver standard and then gone of it in the 1960s, Today the paper currency we use as money has no physical value, it is only accepted as medium of exchange fundamentally due to trust. If trust is the basis of accepting something as a medium of exchange, will digital currencies replace fiat currency eventually or will the sudden realization of paper currency having no value crumble the system? Some interesting thing to note is that only 10% of the money in the world exists as paper, the rest of it is digital in bank accounts.

Last Updated - 26th December 2019